At Mashni Dentistry we care deeply
for your health. In our world today we are
inundated with sugary acidic drink choices that have been affecting the health of
our whole society.
long term studies have shown that pop (or soda for the non-Midwesterners)
increases risks for high blood pressure, heart disease, metabolic syndrome,
fatty liver disease, liver failure, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Even more interesting is that these risks are
increased no matter if it is a regular or a diet soda!

are the systemic effects (effects on your whole body) but we as dentists see
the effects of acidic and sugary drinks on all ages of our population in the
effects of their teeth along with their overall health. We understand this habit is difficult to kick-
here are some facts and first steps to reducing your risk of some of the side
Do not sip on your soda, juice, or coffee! Start
to only drink acidic sugary drinks at meal time and finish within a 10-15 minute
Juice, Milk, Coffee, and Sports Drinks still
have sugar and acid that can still cause problems if a daily habit
Gatorade or sports drinks only are beneficial if
doing cardiovascular work for close to 2 hours.
If you are drinking these it is only increasing your risk for problems.
Kids should only have water in Sippy cups. If giving juice you can dilute and have them
drink with a meal.
To protect your teeth from the acid from these
drink you can chew xylitol gum (see previous post ab out xylitol) or rinse your
mouth with water.
Not all acids and sugars are made the same!
Certain acids take more toll on your teeth and health. We have seen cases of teenagers and young
adults loosing multiple or all teeth due to an energy drink habit.

Make sure you get enough water! When thirsty we
are most likely to grab a sugary drink, make sure you start your day with a
full glass of water.
Take this drinks out of your house- our children
will be less likely to get into a sugary drink habit.
The effects on our teeth are only another
reason to change our drinking habits.
Most people with a consistent soda habit are considered high risk for
tooth decay- 70% of those with a high
risk are found to get new at least one new cavity every year!
If you sip all day you will
decay your body and your teeth.
Dr. Jason Mashni