Getting Everyone A Good Nights Rest
Sleep impacts every area of your life, from how you look and feel to your health. Inadequate amounts of sleep can cause sleepiness and be harmful to your health. One of the most common sleep problems is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and is commonly undiagnosed in children and adults. Around 25 million adults in the U.S suffer from OSA, which can cause them to stop breathing hundreds of times a night for anywhere from a few seconds to minutes. This chronic condition occurs when your airway is blocked which can cause pauses in breathing and lower the amount of oxygen in your blood. The breathing pauses can cause brief awakenings to disturb your sleep.
Why does it matter if I have sleep apnea? I don't want to wear a CPAP!
Diagnosing and treating sleep apnea is extremely important to your health. Untreated, sleep apnea can have serious effects on your overall health. These include increased risk of the following:
High Blood Pressure
Stroke (Three times greater risk of stroke)
Cardiovascular Disease
Acid Reflux
Erectile Dysfunction
Weight Gain
Memory Loss
Lower quality of life
What increases my risk of getting OSA?
The following increase your risk of having OSA:
Your overweight
Neck circumference (>17cm for males; >15cm for females
Narrow airway
Over 40 years old
Nasal Congestion
Alcohol/Sedative use
How can OSA be treated?